Getting ready for Spring

I think Spring is finally getting it’s act together. We have early flowers ready to bloom in the garden, and the grass is starting to turn green. Spring is a fun time in the photography business. Everyone is excited to get photographs done. We are excited for all the fun things we have planned this year.

Next week is fotochaos in St. Louis. It is an educational two day seminar that promises to be lots of fun. Getting ready for several senior sessions and newborn sessions this spring. The wedding season is starting up. We can’t wait to get going and get out of this winter mindset.

If you are planning your wedding this year give us a call. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what you can get for your money with our wedding packages. From the low end to the top, our service is what stands us apart from the rest. Give us a call.

Oh look, more flowers. Gotta go outside and enjoy this weather.

By sealsphoto

Winter, round 2

Well, the second big storm in less than a week has made me homebound for another day. Although it is nice to have a little extra time at home to catch up on things, I really am not a fan of winter. And, if I haven’t mentioned it lately, I REALLY HATE SNOW! On that note, I hope you enjoy what I found outside my front door this morning. Come on Spring!ImageImageImage

By sealsphoto

A little HDR project

I have been playing a bit with HDR. I really like what you can do with this processing method. Here are a couple of images that show my progress so far. Both images are the same picture. One I did last fall when I was first starting to play with HDR. The other I did tonight after upgrading my HDR software. Both of these images are made from combining four images with different exposures. Since digital camera’s can’t capture the same range of exposure as the human eye can see, this is a way to help get more range than the sensor can capture. Hope you enjoy these.IMG_8660-EditIMG_8660_1_2_0-Edit

By sealsphoto

Here’s Nolan

Nolan is one year old. His daddy is serving in the US Army overseas. We did these images for his first birthday.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

By sealsphoto

New Year, new products!

We are starting 2013 with some new products and services. We have been a Wedding studio for many years, and last year we starting offering high school Senior portraits. This year we will start offering newborn and children’s portraits as well. Watch here for some new portraits of children coming soon. Pricing and services will be posted soon. Check back regularly for updates.

By sealsphoto

Busy Summer

Well, I guess it is time to slow down a bit and start updating things. Been a very busy spring and summer. Unfortunately, it has been so busy I can’t keep up with everything. Day job keeps me hoping, but I have still been photographing some seniors and some nature. So, here are a few of Amy, my new Ambassador for Oak Park High School. Hope you enjoy them.

Caitlin and Matt get married

Well, I am a little behind. But, here are some images from Caitlin and Matt’s wedding. We had a fabulous time, but boy was it hot. Beautiful bride, fabulous setting in the park, hot, nice people, did I mention hot, and a fun time was had by all. It was, however, a little warm that day! Anyway, here are the images.

By sealsphoto

Caitlin and Matt

Well, we went to Topeka yesterday to photograph Caitlin and Matt’s engagement session. What a beautiful day it was. We went to the park where Matt proposed, then we went downtown to do some urban stuff. There was a huge car show going on, so we got to see some nicely restored old cars. Then we went out to Lake Shawnee, where the wedding will be in June, then back down to the Capital building for some night shots. I will post a few here for your viewing. Working on getting Mathew’s Senior portraits done so I can show you those also. Hope all the mothers have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

By sealsphoto

Busy Day, must be Spring

Have a senior session this morning at 8:30 (what idiot scheduled that?) and then an engagement session this afternoon in Topeka. Looks like the weather is going to hold out, so I guess I better not complain. Hope all of you Mothers out there have a fabulous weekend.

By sealsphoto

Another Volunteer opportunity

Here I am again, up at 4:30 in the morning drinking coffee. Why, you ask, would I be up at 4:30 on a Sunday morning drinking coffee? Well, it is March of Dimes walk day, of course. Over the years I have done many events for charities. This year I have had to cut back to my two favorites. With many, many worthy charities and events, I had to ask myself which ones really meant something to me. My choices were the two organizations I feel benefit kids the most. March of Dimes and MDA are my two choices. Which ones will you support? Everyone should find a way to give back. I was so fortunate to have a healthy kid. I give back to help other parents be able to watch their kids grow up healthy. Find your spot, and volunteer. So, pack up the cameras, drink my coffee, and off to photograph 5000 walkers helping to raise money for healthy kids. Have a wonderful day!

By sealsphoto