I’m Published

The August issue of Missouri Life magazine is on the newsstands. Check out pp 70-72 for images that I shot for the story. It is about raising hormone free cattle in Missouri. Good read, and I really love the pictures ;-). If you have never read Missouri Life, it is a really good regional magazine. You can get a free copy to read by letting me know you would like one.

By sealsphoto

Jason and Breana’s AfterShoot

We did an AfterShoot with Jason and Breana on Saturday. Got some really cool stuff. Remember, we can do an AfterShoot with you even if we didn’t do your wedding. If you were married somewhere outside KC and want to do some AfterShoot pictures, give me a call at 816.419.4321 and we can get it done. Hope you enjoy these.

By sealsphoto