Winter, round 2

Well, the second big storm in less than a week has made me homebound for another day. Although it is nice to have a little extra time at home to catch up on things, I really am not a fan of winter. And, if I haven’t mentioned it lately, I REALLY HATE SNOW! On that note, I hope you enjoy what I found outside my front door this morning. Come on Spring!ImageImageImage

By sealsphoto

A little HDR project

I have been playing a bit with HDR. I really like what you can do with this processing method. Here are a couple of images that show my progress so far. Both images are the same picture. One I did last fall when I was first starting to play with HDR. The other I did tonight after upgrading my HDR software. Both of these images are made from combining four images with different exposures. Since digital camera’s can’t capture the same range of exposure as the human eye can see, this is a way to help get more range than the sensor can capture. Hope you enjoy these.IMG_8660-EditIMG_8660_1_2_0-Edit

By sealsphoto