I’m feeling a little better today. After the accident last Friday, I thought I would hurt for a couple of days and get over it. Boy, was I wrong. Apparently, I slammed my right shoulder into the steering wheel airbag. The doctor says I have a severely bruised muscle. Makes it a little hard to do some things, as I am right handed. But, I am starting to get more movement with less pain, so I guess I will live.

I am going to start posting a few pictures from this year’s weddings, with some comments about what we were doing at the time and how we set them up. If you have any questions about how we did a certain picture, let me know. I will try to start with the posts tomorrow.

Nice little snowstorm moved through town this morning. Sure miss my 4 wheel drive. Should hear in the next few days if they are going to fix it or total it.

Seat Belts

Ok, so your mother has told you this a thousand times. I was reminded yesterday just how important wearing seat belts are. On my way to the office on Friday morning I got to play bumper cars. The roads were icy. The guy going the other way lost control of his car and ended up in my lane. He was sideways in my lane when I hit him. Probably totaled both cars. I am really sore this morning, and I have lots of bumps and bruises. But, I am home and able to write this entry in my blog. So, wear your seat belt!

Here are a couple of pics of my car, taken with my cell phone camera.

Well, it has been a little busy around here the last few weeks, so I have not been keeping up this blog like I should. But, I will try to get back to posting a little more often.

The Holiday Season is upon us, and with it usually comes a spike in engagements. Statistically, there are more people engaged on Christmas Day than any other day of the year. New Year’s Eve is second, and Valentines Day is third. So, it stands to reason that wedding photographers will get busier in the next couple of months. Here are a few things to remember when you start planning your wedding.

1. October is usually the busiest wedding month of the year. If you are planning an October Wedding, plan to book your vendors as early as possible. I was booked up for October 2008 by January 15th this year.

2. Even with a bad economy, people get married. Some people will have to cut back on what they do at their wedding, but photography is not one of the things that you want to cut back. The pictures are your best investment in remembering your day, and trusting a friend with a new digital camera to get every shot is risky.

3. Getting a good engagement portrait of the two of you is just as important as the wedding pictures. Engagement portraits give you a chance to work with your photographer under less stressful conditions, and lets your photographer get to know you better so they can do a killer job photographing your wedding.

Check us out at http://www.sealsphoto.com or call me at 816-419-4321 if you have questions. Merry Christmas.