Busy Weekend

Drinking coffee this morning plotting the weekend. I am off in a few minutes to pick up the power washer. Gotta do one of those every 5 years chores and power wash the house today. Come on, admit it. You are jealous that I get to have all the fun. Then, I have a baby session this afternoon at Loose Park, and a new born session tomorrow morning. Love those baby sessions. Have a great weekend.

By sealsphoto

Spring has sprung

What a beautiful weekend. Spent Saturday, Sunday, and Monday at the Heart of America Professional Photographers Association meeting. Three days of some pretty incredible classes and demonstrations. Got to see some of the new Photoshop PS5. That is really going to be a great program. I have already pre-ordered the upgrade. Should be here later this month. So, spring weddings, senior sessions, and babies. Getting busy. It is a good problem to have, I guess. Hope to be able to keep the blog up a little more.

We are looking for Senior Reps for next year. If you know a HS junior that would like to be a Rep for next year, there are some really cool incentives. Call me at 81-419-4321.

By sealsphoto