An open letter to the NFL.

Wow, what a game. One of the better ones in recent memory. Wow, what a National Anthem! One of the WORST in recent memory. Come on people, why do you show segment after segment of patriotic clips, and then let some celebrity botch our National Anthem like that? Football is a game of rules, break the rules and the officials throw a flag. Well, I’m throwing a flag. And I don’t think I will be alone in this. Make a rule that the person you get to sing the National Anthem MUST sing it as written. No interpretation, no extra words (or forgotten words), no extra notes, just sing it! It is the prettiest National Anthem around (ok, I’m biased on that) so we don’t need any re-writing on it. This is not the first time the NFL has allowed a botched anthem, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. But, I feel better telling you how strongly I feel about this.

OK, rant off. Sorry, had to say it.

By sealsphoto

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